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Black Monk Consulting offers a broad range of services for corporate, governmental and not for profit organizations designed to both clarify and improve present understanding and performance and to help pave the way to a desired future. We break these services into the following service categories:

Future Studies

  • Theoretical Futures Creation
    • Futures Presentations and Workshops: One (or multiple) day programs examining the future of a specific industry, company or subject area. These presentations can take several forms from a more traditional presentation to the development of an interactive workshop.
    • Futuring White Papers: Formal written (or multimedia) studies exploring the kind of topics addressed in the presentation and workshops.
  • Applied Futuring: The development of new tools and metrics that can be applied to implement concrete tactics and strategies for facilitating change and creating a desired future state.

Building Strategic Tools

  • Scenario Planning: One day to multi-year scenario planning sessions. Scenario planning is a tool for conceptualizing plausible futures and the tools to adapt or achieve them. While some companies choose to assign dedicated teams to the process, our approach uses a workshop approach based on techniques initially developed by Royal Dutch/Shell and the U.S. Air Force and now used by many Fortune 100 companies to asses future social, economic, political, commercial, organizational or technological changes without falling prey to resorting to the business astrology of predicting a single future.
  • Discontinuity Analysis: A proprietary Black Monk strategic tool for learning how to, "know what you don’t know" and anticipate events that may represent critical shifts or breaks from longitudinal extrapolative data.
  • Ideation Workshops: Focused sessions designed to address a single issue from thinking through new products or marketing approaches to recreating supply chains or customer understanding.


  • Quantitative Research: Original traditional and online surveys.
  • Ethnographic Research: Thanks to our association with SmartRevenue we are able to provide real-time ethnographic research, conjoint analysis and research presentation materials.
  • Online Research: Again, here we partner with SmartRevenue, in our estimation the best online polling organization in America.
  • Qualitative Research: A more subjective analysis tool involving everything from literature surveys to unique analysis of existing research and data.
  • Internal Corporate Research: Internally directed qualitative or quantitative research.
  • Participant Anthropology: Individually crafted research projects requiring a "full immersion" approach to problem solving, i.e., instead of studying a problem or situation we live the problem or situation by direct hands-on involvement in day-to-day operations.

Internal/External Communications and Education

  • Facilitation: Facilitation of workshops, internal meetings and events, sessions aimed at solving a specific problem, etc.
  • Corporate Meeting/Workshop Planning: We offer a range of meeting planning services from selection of theme to program development and recruitment of other participants.
  • Brand Identity Workshops: Programs designed to explore issues directly related to brand vitality and relevance including such topics as brand composition, master and sub-branding and transbranding.
  • Internal Media Creation/Editorial Services: Development of internal communications tools including White papers, newsletter and magazine content development, press materials and website content development.
  • Corporate Culture Analysis: Diagnostic studies intended to clarify the nature of existing internal culture as well as developing approaches to cultural modification.
  • Corporate Keynotes: Forty-five to sixty minute speeches to kick off annual meetings, sales meetings, new product launches, etc.
  • Innovation Seminars: Workshops designed specifically around the theme of how to harness the process of innovation and eliminate the internal barriers that keep companies from enjoying the full benefits of creativity.
  • Advisory Boards: Creation, facilitation and content development of customer, consumer and vendor advisory boards.
  • Media Consulting: Development of media strategy.
  • Speechwriting

Storytelling/Organizational Mythology

  • Creation of organizational stories
  • Dissemination of organizational stories
  • Storytelling workshops
  • Storytelling coaching
  • Identification of existing organization mythology
  • Creation of institutional myth museums and other corporate mythology artifacts

Speech Practice

Rates and availability contracted through: Greater Talent Network; 437 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY, 10016; 212.645.4200 (phone); 212.627.1471 (FAX); info@greatertalent.com.

Contact Ryan

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